Nursing + Weaning Celebrations

All the sweet tender moments of nursing your little one, yours in print forever.

Celebrate where you are right Now.

Weaning celebrations

Weaning is a special process of ending the physical relationship of nursing. It brings on a lot of hormonal changes as well as emotional changes about ending such a sweet time with your baby.

These sessions celebrate the relationship of nursing, but also celebrate that you’ll no longer be sharing your body to nourish you baby.

It’s a duality that is uniquely beautiful, and yet heartbreaking at the same time.


Tasteful, yet not covert

Our sessions are a celebration. While we’re not overtly displaying breasts, we’re also not shy about documenting the reality and beauty of the breastfeeding relationship. It’s a bold, raw sharing of oneself for the nourishment and benefit of another. This deserves to be celebrated and documented.

“My body, my life, became the landscape of my son’s life. I am no longer merely a thing living in the world; I am a world.




Don’t hide what makes you proud.